Friday, January 22, 2016

Things I have learned from teachers pay teachers

I signed up for an account to sell on In trying to get things started I had a reality check hit. My blog cannot be my only means for posting. Also, Pinterest is my biggest group of followers. So this means I need to get with the 21st century and really get connected. Now you can follow me on Twitter, friend me on Facebook, read my posts here, soon find me on Instagram...okay my head is spinning.

Here is what I learned from all of this:

1. You can create your own fonts by going to

I had a blast making my own letters for future worksheets posters, etc.  best part is that the font will always be royalty free for you because it is yours. 

2. Branding is key, but do not fear YouTube is here!  I learned how to make cute clip art and worksheet covers through PowerPoint. This is great because I don't have to purchase photoshop yet. 

3. When first getting started, you will not get much sleep. But hopefully in the long run it pays off and you feel as though you helped someone. 


  1. Wow! Thanks for the tips!! I've begun thinking of opening an account with TpT so that I can offer freebies on my blog. I appreciate your insight!!!!

  2. Not a problem at all. I was thrilled about their use of PowerPoint to make their worksheet packages, but I did find that my hyperlinks were getting lost. Also, it took a while to put up my first one free. I started with a basic account and figured if business takes off enough to cover the $60 fee for premium I will go for it
