Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cold and Flu..time to catch up!

We have covered the remainder of the review for Algebra 1 and finally cracked open the textbook today.  I don't believe in a textbook driving the curriculum for a class, rather I use it as a learning tool for my lessons.  I found myself disgusted today to hear a coworker say "Well if they don't get it the way I teach it, they need to just find a video online to learn it.  I am cannot be responsible for them not getting it, I taught it."  I can't count the number of times in just my five years of teaching that I have changed a lesson the next time I taught it or changed a method in hopes that my students understand the concept better.  (I'm off my soapbox for now.)

So here is what we have covered since my last post...


This semester my pre-assessment pointed out that majority of my students understood fractions, so we did not spend a great deal of time in this unit as I usually do.  My creative juices must have been flowing this day, because I love how my word art turn out for Improper fractions and Mixed Numbers. 


My kids seem to think that this is an easy unit until I ask them to write an expression into words in two different formats.  This is the first time, I really get them to see how notes can help them not only study, but understand how to do their classwork.  Thanks again to Mrs. Hagan for some foldable ideas. 

I was super excited to find a way for them to use their interactive notebook to do their expression homework. I gave them a sheet of sentences and they determined the operation for each.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is on the inside of the 2x+6 foldable?

    1. I put the definition or an explanation of what each one did. Coefficient I believe it said "the number multiplied times a variable", x was the "a letter that can represent any number", operation included "addition, subtraction,multiplication, division" also I may have stated "used to separate terms", and the constant "a number without a variable, remains the same no matter what." Sorry for the long response time. I am just getting back on the blog horse.
