
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Got a project and need funding?

Go to now!  I mean it, now.  Today there is an amazing incentive being hosted to try and get as many projects funded as possible.  The website is very user friendly and set up to help set up your first project.  The tips that they provide are right on the mark...
  • Keep the funding for the first project small.  
  • Use social media.
  • Tell about your students.
My first project I may have made a video to boost those that visited the site, but there are people looking to help out their local schools.  I used social media and ended up being funded 100% within an hour.  Typically, if you are in a high needs area your first project will be matched.  This makes getting funding a lot easier.  Involve your students, this will also get your project funded faster.

Paint a picture of every day in your classroom and let the donors know how the field trip or materials will help you and your students.  I love the site because unlike local grants there is not just one winner, everyone in your district can apply.  Because today was #BestSchoolDay hosted by, there were hundreds of donors looking to support projects.  What an amazing idea?!  The foundation has really gained my support.  If you have any questions about starting a project, feel free to ask.

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