
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Did I Say Test Day?

We had reached the end of the quadrilaterals unit, which was a huge success (post for tomorrow will include links to all resources used). My class is not what guidance would consider to be the tough crowd, but today they wanted to learn and make sure they were prepared for the test. This was not the typical attempt to stall a lesson, but a genuine plea to make sure they had a grasp of the concepts. 

So how did we get to this point that would have shocked administration?

- First, this grading period is different because we are not required to give students a free grade. Whomever thought that we should just give grades to students was nuts. 
-Do not waver. No matter how tough a bunch of students are, keep the expectation for learning high. They may resist at first hoping you will cave. Do not give in. This benefits your classroom in the long run, but it also helps show you want them to earn the grade they receive. 
- Find engaging material. The sorting activities, games on Kahoot!, and coloring page notes, all are ways to get participation out of the students. During time on the study guide, I made sure to sit with the kids in a circle and work through each one as a class. They saw me putting in the work with them instead of far away at the board. 
- Finally, love them. Yes, my class destroys property, has run clean through 6 boxes of pencils, used multiple packs of paper my notebook paper, but they are my babies.  

So, I did what my profession states that I do. I taught them and was pleased as punch. 


  1. Would you provide some more information on the activity I'm assuming you did with parallelograms. I think I would love to try it!

  2. Check out the part 2 link Good Luck!
